by Vicky Collins Foundation | Sep 23, 2015 | News
The Vicky Collins Foundation’s partnership with Arlington Pediatric Center provides children with complex and chronic healthcare needs with access to special doctors, treatments and therapies. Hundreds of kids with severe asthma, developmental delays, autism, Downs...
by Vicky Collins Foundation | Sep 23, 2015 | News
SCAN’s efforts to prevent child abuse throughout Northern Virginia are made possible by the financial contributions of our grantors, sponsors, donors, and other contributors. All Grantors and Donors listed are for FY 2014 SCAN’s efforts to prevent child abuse...
by Vicky Collins Foundation | Sep 23, 2015 | News
On April 17, Mark Cummings from the Vicky Collins Charitable Foundation also presented a check to support the CASA program. Mark is pictured, near left, with SCAN Board Members Patti Boerger, Mary Cudless, and CASA Program Director Carrie Cannon. On April 17, SCAN...
by Vicky Collins Foundation | Mar 23, 2015 | News
By Eman Quotah September 18, 2008 In their efforts to recruit more Hispanic volunteers, charities that serve young people have experimented with many approaches. Several of the groups have received money to expand the number of Hispanics and other minorities who...
by Vicky Collins Foundation | Nov 23, 2014 | News
ARLINGTON, Va., Nov. 7 /PRNewswire/ — Doorways for Women and Families (formerly The Arlington Community Temporary Shelter, TACTS) along with Congressman Jim Moran and the Freddie Mac Foundation today unveiled the newly built Freddie Mac Foundation Family Home...
by Vicky Collins Foundation | Sep 23, 2008 | News
We are deeply grateful for the generous financial support of individuals, corporations, foundations, civic groups and faith communities. Private contributions accounted for over 50% of our 2007 revenue. Due to space restrictions, only contributions in excess of $100...